Metaverse As A New Concept Of Transforming The Gaming Industry
From the early 90s till today, we have seen enormous changes in the gaming industry. One of the significant changes has been observed in playing games after digitalization. Magnificent changes can be concluded in the way of playing games over the past decades. Before starting, let me ask whether you are aware of the term Metaverse or not? Let me explain it better. Metaverse is a technology which VR, AR, and BCI. Metaverse is a kind of virtual world with absolutely no connection with reality. Video games have a simple home where players gather and fight for their team. One player drafts the strategy, and another one uses and follow the instructions given by his leader. In the virtual world, the gameplay is just the beginning. EVOLUTION TOWARDS INNOVATION RecRoom released 3D Charades in 2016, which kept fans turning their concept of playing to the next level. 3D Charade sounds like a standard online multiplayer game, but it signifies what metaverse could become. Metaverse is digita...